
The Portable Wife wearing red dress in front of yellow wall

Hello and welcome to The Portable Wife! My name is Chelsea Lambert and I’m an American expat, travel writer, and photographer living in London, UK.

When my husband and I decided to relocate from the US to London in 2018, nearly every person we told had the same reaction: “I wish I could do that, but [insert reason here]…”. They found the prospect of international adventure and travel exciting, but saw it as something that they could never achieve. I, on the other hand, was certain since age 14 that I’d grow up and move to Europe. I’d like to say it was because I bought a copy of 1,000 Places to See Before You Die at a used bookstore, but it probably had more to do with the prospect of eating amazing pasta and drinking a cappuccino al fresco.

I started The Portable Wife to show people that, with the right planning, preparation, and motivation, seeing the world and moving abroad can become more than passing fantasies. I firmly believe that life is short, the world is large, and you will be a better person for experiencing its beautiful diversity of nature, people, and food. Especially food.

What does it mean to “explore efficiently and authentically”?

Growing up in the US, where time off is limited, I learned how to make the most of my few vacations a year. Most people don’t have the luxury of visiting an international destination twice, or spending two weeks in one country. That’s why nearly all of my itineraries cover a week or less and offer tons of budget-friendly activities.

I know the phrase “authentic travel” means something different to everyone. To me, it means eating at local restaurants and ordering in the native language. It’s traveling to beautiful places for more than just a photo shoot. And it’s about learning a bit of local history and culture to ensure you’re being respectful of the people and places you see. I also believe the best travel experiences go beyond touristy areas, so I include a blend of must-see attractions and residential spots in my trip guides.

I hope this blog leaves you feeling pumped and prepared for your next adventure.

For any questions, comments, or media requests, please email me at [email protected].

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About The Portable Wife

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