How many bank accounts and credit cards do you have? When you become an expat, that number could easily double. And depending on your new country, you could be juggling two or three different currencies as well!
Living Abroad
The Ultimate Guide to Find a Flat in London
Our quest to find a flat in London was nothing like an episode of House Hunters International. Unfortunately, it was a lot more involved than spending an afternoon looking at attractive properties and choosing our favorite of the three.
How to Declutter Before Moving Abroad: A Step-by-Step Guide
Photo albums. Board games. A wedding dress. It’s remarkable how much stuff we accumulate over time. But if you learn how to declutter before moving abroad, you can purge the excess and make a few bucks in the process.
What You Should Know About Moving Abroad With Pets
The very first Google search I did after my husband was contacted about relocating was “bring dog from US to UK”. We both knew that having to leave our beloved dog, Albus, behind was a deal-breaker. Luckily, moving abroad with pets is not as impossible as some might think.
Moving to London from the US: 8 Things Americans Should Know
London is home to more than 3 million foreign-born residents, making it one of the most multicultural cities in the world. Between its rich history, diverse cuisine, and easy access to the Continent, moving to London from the US brought plenty of excitement to my life.
Why Selling Your Home Before Moving Abroad is Harder Than You Might Expect
The process of selling my home before moving abroad was, without a doubt, the most challenging and stressful experience of my life. And I used to be a kindergarten teacher!
5 Questions for Deciding if You Should Move Abroad
A few years ago, my husband sent me an interesting post from Reddit’s /r/travel. It was a photo of an empty Kyoto street at night, with the iconic Tower of Yasaka in the distance. I scrolled down to the comments section and was not surprised to find several people gushing about the exotic beauty of Japan and wondering Should I move abroad?.
3 Simple Things That Inspired Me to Move Abroad
My decision to move abroad started with a fake passport and jerk chicken. I was on an elementary school field trip to Detroit, where they were holding an international culture festival. At the exhibit hall’s entrance, they were handing out pretend US passports for collecting stamps at the booths representing each country.